RT @Trans2P: There’s two lots of virtual delivery happening at T2 HQ today. Dave is delivering to delegates from @ABPHumber, an…

RT @Trans2P: There’s two lots of virtual delivery happening at T2 HQ today.

Dave is delivering to delegates from @ABPHumber, and Spencer is delivering to delegates from @Claranet with a little help from our @myClevertouch technology!

#virtualtraining #virtualclassroom #workplacelearning

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RT @notsosecure: Join Anthony Webb at #BlackHat Europe’s Virtual event, on our Advanced Infrastructure Hacking training course! …

RT @notsosecure: Join Anthony Webb at #BlackHat Europe’s Virtual event, on our Advanced Infrastructure Hacking training course!

This 2020 edition will teach the latest attack techniques hackers are using against modern Operating systems.

Sign up today: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-20/training/schedule/#advanced-infrastructure-hacking—-edition–day-19959

#Hacking #BHEU

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