4 killer apps that were built using DevOps

It used to take up to about 9 months to deploy or longer. With months’ worth of lead time in the run-up.

It’s marginally quicker to walk from Istanbul to Edinburgh than it was to make any significant updates to your application.

So some smart people sat down to figure out how to reduce deployment time. Reducing deployment time is incredibly powerful because it shortens the feedback loop, which means that the features that customers want (or don’t want) are built (or removed) as quickly as possible.

Action for Children partners with Claranet to support its outreach efforts

Executive summary

Challenge: Action for Children’s old network – which served around 500 sites across the UK – was becoming increasingly slow, inefficient and costly.

Solution: Claranet migrated Action for Children to its own private MPLS network and designed a bespoke, automated solution to fast-track changes on the network.

Result: With improved network connectivity, as well as cost savings, Claranet has freed up Action for Children’s staff and volunteers so that they can focus on their primary roles – helping to care for and support children and young adults.

About Action for Children

For more than 140 years, Action for Children has been helping disadvantaged children and young adults through a number of innovative services and initiatives. In total, the charity works with around 300,000 children, young people and carers to tackle serious issues like child neglect and abuse.

The charity is run out of six core offices that co-ordinate and support approximately 600 services, offering support and care across the UK. These services include adoption and fostering, family support, helping children with disabilities and specialist schools. The ability to access information securely online is essential in the provision of these services.

The challenge

At any one time, approximately 500 sites up and down the UK sit on Action for Children’s central network, through which the charity coordinates its various initiatives from head office and centrally provides access to children’s databases, files, office and corporate systems.

Their old network, which had developed and grown organically over time, was becoming slow, inefficient, costly to maintain, while lacking the flexibility that the charity needed to function effectively.

Alan Crawford, CIO at Action for Children, explained:

As a charity, we owe it to our supporters to ensure that we are maximising our time, expenditure and resources. So when we assessed our network costs, in relation to the service we were receiving, it became clear that the issue needed to be addressed. Downtime was becoming a real issue, and as we don’t have the financial capacity to employ IT technicians to each remote site, we needed centralised management and support from our provider.

Our network is something of a movable beast. Although the base number of sites connected to the network sits at around 500, we tend to experience a churn rate of approximately 20 per cent per annum; many of our initiatives are conducted on a project basis and when one project finishes, another will start in a different part of the country. This had severe implications for our network, which wasn’t flexible enough to cope with near-constant change.”

Security was another key consideration for the charity. With children accessing the internet via their network, Action for Children needed an efficient way to control which pages were accessible, and which ones were not, to guarantee the children’s safety. Rather than managing this on each device, the charity wanted to control these settings with a network-wide firewall.

The solution

After a thorough evaluation of the market, and a competitive tender, Action for Children chose Claranet to implement and manage its new network. As part of the solution, Claranet worked with Action for Children to migrate their 500 sites to its own core MPLS network and, with project management support, the process was quick with minimal disruption.

One of the key requirements of the solution was to find a fast and efficient way to commission and decommission sites on the network, as this had proved a real headache with the incumbent supplier. With this in mind, Claranet developed a bespoke, automated process, designed to fast-track these changes to network and remove the burden of management from Action for Children.

“By any measure, our network requirements are incredibly complicated,” Alan said. “Moving so many sites to a new network had huge scope for disruption, which was something we were acutely aware of when selecting a new provider. Claranet’s infrastructure fitted the bill, but they also demonstrated a willingness to go the extra mile to help us meet our requirements.”

By using Claranet’s private WAN, Claranet manages the firewall settings from the servers to ensure safety and security is maintained. This means Action for Children doesn’t have to change any settings per device as the settings are installed at the network level. As Claranet manages all firewalls centrally, it removes the burden from site staff, and provides the charity peace of mind that all devices are protected.

The results

By outsourcing their network requirements to Claranet, Action for Children has seen significant time and cost savings, as well as improvements to network efficiency and IT support. With improved network connectivity, it has freed up its staff and volunteers so that they can focus on their primary roles – helping to care for and support children and young adults.

Alan explains:

We have been in constant contact with Claranet through the design, build, support and evolve phases, and we couldn’t be happier with their proactive approach. From day one, Claranet has delivered outstanding customer service. The network had to overcome a number of challenges, for example providing connectivity to all of our off-site locations, and these were understood from the start. We needed a Wide-Area Network that felt like we were using a Local-Area Network in terms of speed, efficiency and connectivity. Claranet listened to our requirements and provided us with a tailored solution to suit our needs.

Migrating 500 sites on to a new network was a big undertaking, with a great deal of potential for things to go wrong, but the transition has been incredibly smooth. This no doubt owes much to Claranet’s strong project management skills and intricate planning. Claranet often advise us on how to get the most out of our network, and, as a result, we have been able to increase our productivity.”

As Claranet is big enough to drive supplier cost down, and small enough to build personal relationships, they understand each client’s individual requirements to offer bespoke solutions. The partnership between Action for Children and Claranet is strong.

Alan concluded:

The relationship we have with Claranet owes much to their service. Whenever we’ve got a problem, or need to speak to someone, we are able to jump on the phone and speak to a solution expert who knows us, and knows what we are talking about immediately. As a result, any issues are resolved much more quickly. We’re really looking forward to the future with Claranet.”

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Thar be dragons: reducing the top 5 disaster recovery myths to ashes

If you were going to set up a business in the medieval age – an era of war and magic – you would be well-advised to protect it against any likely environmental threats. Like black-scaled, fire-belching, magic-oozing dragons.

In the digital age, there are subtler but equally dangerous threats on the horizon. The modern business is so reliant on its IT systems and data, that if they’re shut down for any length of time the result isn’t pretty. Businesses need to make sure they’re prepared – so why aren’t all doing it?

Claranet acquires Bashton to support managed public cloud drive

MSP moves to strengthen Amazon Web Services and DevOps expertise

Managed services provider (MSP) Claranet has acquired UK-based AWS specialist Bashton Limited. The acquisition, which follows and complements the acquisitions Claranet made last year of LinuxIT and Techgate in the UK, will enable Claranet to further develop its DevOps capabilities and to better support customers’ complicated and diverse applications on public cloud infrastructure.

Established in 2004 and based in Warrington, Bashton is focused on helping customers run mission critical dynamic web applications on AWS infrastructure. The company, which works primarily with retail and media customers, has developed expertise which allows the rapid creation of environments within AWS. The company also has considerable expertise in DevOps tooling, which enables customers to rapidly deploy code updates into their web application, as well as, monitor and improve performance. Bashton’s annual revenues are £1.2 million and the company counts ITV, Odeon, BBC Worldwide, Liverpool Football Club, made.com and Virgin Holidays amongst its customers.

Bashton bolsters Claranet’s ability to deliver managed application hosting services on any combination of private and public cloud infrastructure. The expanded Claranet Group has annual revenues of £165 million, over 1,000 staff and over 5,500 customers in the UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.

Michel Robert, Claranet UK’s Managing Director, commented:

Bashton was a natural company to join Claranet and follows a number of strategically-important acquisitions we have made in the past year across Europe to enhance our public cloud capabilities. The development of managed services on third-party clouds is a key focus for Claranet, and the skills and experience brought by Bashton go a long way to helping us to manage more complex applications in these environments.

As cloud adoption increases, the real value we can add as a managed services provider is in our expertise, tooling and automation capabilities, such as those offered by Bashton. We are therefore focused on further developing our advanced hosting capabilities to streamline our customers’ operations and underpin the evolution of our managed application hosting services.”

Sam Bashton, Bashton’s Founder and Director, added:

Claranet’s application-centric approach to combining hosting and networking services, including its Cloud Connect service into AWS, demonstrates a solid understanding of the challenges faced by businesses today. I am very confident that Bashton customers will benefit from Claranet’s capabilities. I’m especially pleased to be joining Claranet to help strengthen and contribute to the future development of its public cloud capabilities.”

Plotting your DevOps journey

Organisations are realising that the rise of the DevOps philosophy may be the best way to address numerous competitive challenges that businesses face.

DevOps doesn’t just apply to start-ups and web operations. You can create a DevOps atmosphere in any organisation.

IT is changing

Do you need to take the DevOps or traditional approach to IT?

With traditional approaches to IT, organisations do not look to bridge the gap between development and operations teams. This approach to IT tends to be reactive and manual in nature rather than being integrated and proactively focused. Increasingly, maintaining such a practice is impacting on the cost, agility, maintainability and availability of systems, which can ultimately impact on the reputation of the organisation.

Enter DevOps

How to use Hosted Voice to get one up on your competition

Have you ever heard of an agile, digital business that still communicates internally by fax?

No? It’s probably because that’s a terrible idea that would crash any business.

But why exactly?

Answer: a good business aligns its resources with its business objectives. You focus on a goal, then arrange your skills and tools so that you can achieve that goal as efficiently as possible. That’s how you win. And fax just isn’t capable of meeting today’s business needs.

Network complexity has outstripped bandwidth as the biggest challenge facing progressive businesses, says Claranet

The biggest challenge facing progressive businesses today is no longer procuring bandwidth, but managing the complexity of their networks, says Claranet. With the explosion of cloud services and an ever increasing number of internet connected devices, businesses have a greater reliance on connectivity than ever before, with more data flowing across both private networks and the public internet.

Michel Robert, UK Managing Director of Claranet, commented: “The past twenty years of network development have completely changed the ways in which businesses interact with and use the internet. Availability of bandwidth is constantly increasing and costs have gone down, providing businesses with more capacity than ever before to support a variety of services from different locations. However, with the proliferation of devices and cloud-driven applications, it is increasingly important to manage and monitor the flow of data, ensuring that availability, performance and security are optimal.

“Ten years ago the underpinning internet infrastructure was significantly smaller as there was less demand, meaning bandwidth was much more expensive and, accordingly, complex networks were less common. Homeworking VPNs were just starting to increase in popularity, but most traffic travelled back and forth between the user and corporate on-premises servers which meant performance was not always acceptable and user-experience suffered.

“Today, significant volumes of traffic flow back and forth to applications and devices both inside and outside of a business’s wide area network with greater resilience. To exploit the increases in bandwidth and to efficiently manage businesses’ network estate, providers are investing in software-defined networks, addressing the vital strategic role of the network and not simply treating it as a commodity,” he continued.

Claranet started as a business in 1996 as an Internet Service Provider, before adapting it’s offering to a changing market to become a Managed Service Provider, specialising in infrastructure management.

Robert continued: “Claranet’s twenty year history has put us at the forefront of the major developments in networking technology. Modern networks are not as simple as they once were – the early days of dial-up modems in the mid-1990s looks starkly different from today’s 24/7, cloud-capable infrastructures which support 3 billion users across the globe. Today, the complexities of networking are greater than ever before, something that can pose some distinct challenges for IT departments.

“Through careful management of our customers’ networks we are allowing their businesses to operate in a secure yet highly agile way. Many of our customers share well-established relationships with Claranet, the result of years of innovative network service development and management. Now in 2016, we are increasingly looking toward the future, to our new service Cloud Connect, connecting the Claranet MPLS network to public cloud (AWS and Microsoft Azure) to innovations in software-defined networking that will continue to help our customers do amazing things.”

Claranet has created an infographic charting the changing requirements and demands placed upon modern network – for more information, click below:
20 Years of Networks infographic

Claranet Online: the new benchmark for interacting with MSPs

Did you know: as a Claranet customer, you have access to a new kind of service experience. It’s called Claranet Online.

Through Claranet Online, you can reach new levels of visibility and control over your Claranet services, with an experienced that’s tailored to you and mobile friendly. Claranet Online sets a new benchmark for how you can interact with managed service providers.

With new features being released every two months, Claranet Online is a continuously evolving channel that brings you ever closer to your IT services. Whether you’re out and about on your mobile, in the office on your desktop or on a tablet at home on the weekend, you have a direct line to the IT services and support that underpin your business.

With Claranet Online you can:

  • See how hard your services are working for you with intuitive reporting tools
  • Quickly raise, view and update support tickets
  • Monitor your orders and track invoices
  • Add, edit and remove your authorised contacts
  • Obtain the Claranet news and notifications relevant to you
  • Provide feedback directly into the Claranet Quality Team
  • Coming soon – purchase and scale your Claranet services, online

To get started with Claranet Online today, call us on 01452 631 240 then simply sign-in to add more users!

Contact your Claranet Account Manager for more information.